Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Path Less Taken

Of course we've all heard about global warming and the dire warnings about our planet's environmental future. Of course we don't want the earth to go belly up. Of course we want to help make sure that doesn't happen. I don't know about you, but it doesn't seem so clear cut to me about HOW to do that. Changes need to be made - in ourselves, in our culture - but HOW will that happen? What should be changed? The best way to green up is not obvious. There's always other considerations to take into account such as cost, health pros/cons or convenience.

However, even if the path to green isn't obvious, it's still a path I feel I need to start down. I'm expecting it to be a slow, incremental path. Changing habits takes time, after all. And my family isn't always going to be supportive of all the changes I want to make. But, as I read in a book recently, I want to stop wanting the changing and start doing the change. By making the changes in myself, I'll see what's hard or easy about the changes. I not only want to get myself down that green path, but see what's stopping others to head down that path too. Along the way, I'm hoping to inspire others to reduce their environmental impact too. And I'm hoping someone will give me some advice about how to do it better!

As a little background, I'm a stay at home mom for two kids - LG (Little Girl) was is newly 7 and BB (Buddy Boy) who is 3 and a half. I have a husband (Bob) who teaches at a local college. We live in Ann Arbor, Michigan which is a pretty friendly place for recyclers and reuse of materials. So with that nice support system, I'm off to figure out which way is green.

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